William Cooper and the Australian Aborigines’ League is a collaboration between historian Bain Attwood at Monash University, members of the Cooper family, and Forde + Nicol. The project has been supported by the Gandel Foundation; the William Cooper Institute, Monash University; and the School of Historical, Philosophical and International Studies, Monash University. It was overseen by a reference group at Monash University chaired by the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Indigenous) Professor Jacinta Elston and comprising David Jago, Leonie Drummond, Bob Gerrity, Andrew Markus, Lynette Russell, Kevin Russell and Jamil Tye.

We wish to thank Margaret Burdeu, Robert Burdeu, Sam Dalgarno, Graeme Davison, Dorothea Fry, Barbara Gravener, Aaron Hughes, the Little Family, Tristan McLachlan, Michael McDonogh, Robynne Nelson, Lois Peeler and Shayne Williams and the assistance provided by the staff of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies; the Australian National University Archives; the Burraga Foundation; the Matheson Library and Strategic Marketing and Communications, Monash University; the Mitchell Library, State Library New South Wales; the Mortlock Library, State Library of South Australia; the National Archives of Australia (Canberra and Melbourne); New South Wales Archives and Records; the Noel Butlin Archives Centre, the Australian National University; the Public Record Office Victoria; the Royal Historical Society of Victoria; Screensound (Melbourne); State Library Victoria; the State Records of South Australia; University of Melbourne Archives; University of Sydney Archives; State Records Office of Western Australia; and the Weston Library, Oxford University, for the help they have provided.

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About Us

Bain Attwood is Professor of History, Monash University. He is the author of several books, including The Making of the Aborigines, Rights for Aborigines, Possession: Batman’s Treaty and the Matter of History, Empire and the Making of Native Title: Sovereignty, Property and Native Title.

Forde + Nicol is the design and digital development studio of Dominic Forde and Jonathan Nicol. Based in Narm, Australia they have worked with a wide range of arts and cultural institutions on projects including ABC Right Wrongs, University of Melbourne Cultural Commons, Giramondo Publishing, Sutton Gallery, Assemble Papers and RMIT Climate Adaptation Australia.

Documents are drawn the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies; the Australian National University Archives; the Mitchell Library, State Library New South Wales; the Mortlock Library, State Library of South Australia; the National Archives of Australia (Canberra and Melbourne); New South Wales Archives and Records; the Public Record Office Victoria; the Royal Historical Society of Victoria; Screensound (Melbourne); State Library Victoria; University of Sydney Archives; State Records Office of Western Australia; and the Weston Library, Oxford University. Originals should be consulted in these repositories.

Further Reading

Bain Attwood, William Cooper: An Aboriginal Life Story, Miegunyah Press, Melbourne, 2021


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